FROM THE BONES TO THE MOUNTAIN foundational ground with Capricorn

“The journey of Capricorn begins in the depths of the ocean and climbs to the highest mountain peak. It requires the sure footedness of the mountain goat and a perseverance that transcends time.”

The sun’s entrance into Capricorn on the winter solstice marks the return of the light, and along with the beginning of the gregorian New Year, and today’s new moon in Capricorn, is a powerful time of beginning. It’s actually more like that instant before we begin, the deep breath before we make the big plunge…yet in a sense, Capricorn has already taken the plunge- it is the embodiment of our highest potential.

Capricorn is said to represent “career”, but that can also mean our peak achievements, our offfering to the world. Thus, Capricorn realigns us with our greatest capacity, to the very bones of who we are. Capricorn lays the crucial preparatory ground that will support us on the journey to our highest potential, and also offers the opportunity to upgrade existing foundations we have already created.

So, what is the journey? it’s up to you my friend, but the journey of Capricorn begins in the depths of the ocean and climbs to the highest mountain peak. It requires the sure footedness of the mountain goat and a perseverance that transcends time. It is our own climb up the spiritual mountain to the pinnacle of our highest possible embodiment on the physical plane.

Capricorn asks us to drop in deeply to our foundations, and feel the integral structure of who we are- in other words, to have a physical experience of our deepest identity, not just think about it or concieve of it only mentally. (if you missed the new moon, don’t worry, the sun is Capricorn til January 22nd) Capricorn is an earth sign, at times stodgy, but always steadfastly asking us to first establish ourselves in the physical aspect of whatever we are undertaking....we can understand this in the same way that we approach the yoga pose of Tadasana, standing tall mountain, which first grounds us with our feet on the earth and then expresses our true essence and purpose in a strong upright posture. Similar to Tadasana, Capricorn is depicted as the goat who climbs the mountain of our own potential to reach the pinnacle of our highest expression and attainment. Mountains have long represented spiritual attainment, as well as the home of the Gods (Mount Olympus) in Greek cosmology, and the place of the ascended masters and sacred temples. Ancient Taoists traditionally sought wisdom from the mountain peaks, and they represent the place where earthly ambition is replaced by spiritual service.

Yet we do not just rush blindly to the top of such a mountain without proper preparation. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn also relates to the process of time, of being willing to slow down and deeply learn life’s lessons, and dig into ourselves. Capricorn rules the bones, our deepest most core structure and alignment in life. We like to think of the bones as fixed in shape and structure, but we now know that our bones actually generate their own electrical field and are constantly changing shape- although slowly and in micro adjustments, it is a larger process of transformation and growth that we are sometimes unable to perceive. Yet it is ceaselessly occurring. Shamans understand bones to be crystallized life essence, and so they represent the core energy of who we are. In the Amazon, the Chuchuhausi tree is the plant spirit that governs and heals the bones, and also brings a renewed sense of life and vigor. In addition, it is thought to enhance the life essence through strengthening the adrenals as well as increasing our sexual potency, both of which can also be understood as part of our foundational energy. The name Chuchuhuasi means “shaking back” and refers to its ability to stabilize and firm up the spinal column. Being a long lived tree, Chuchuhuasi also teaches about endurance, which is a Capricornian virtue.

Like the ancient trees, like the mountains, Capricorn’s power lies in its ability to use the energy of time and patience. It is the same energy that shapes stones and carves canyons. It is powerful and impossible to turn back. Capricorn is not just a goat, but a goat with a dolphins’ tail. This form represents Capricorn’s epic journey from the depths of the seas to highest mountain peak. Just like Tadasana pose begins with rooting the feet, only when our foundations are solid can we then set our sights on the mountain peaks. And we need a physical experience of that, not just an idea. The ever more profound knowing and embodiment of Who am I? then perhaps becomes the real attainment, rather than any worldly achievement.