The perimenopause years are an enormous transition for female bodied people. We live the first half of our lives bathed in estrogen. Suddenly, that is gone. Our bodies, hormones and outlook on life can shift profoundly, seemingly overnight.
Listen to my podcast on on the alchemy of menopause
There is deep body intelligence underlying the process, yet our culture seeks to make the change invisible. Little information exists to empower and uplift the perimenopausal years. Many folks find themselves feeling lost and bewildered. Thankfully, ancient Taoist teachings can empower us to reclaim menopause as a wisdom initiation.
Taking a sage approach, menopause is an opportunity to step into the beauty of Eldership. Not cover girl glamor beauty, but the beauty of how we have been humbled and taught by this human life.
As a Gynecology Professor, I ask students to bring a media image of menopause to class- invariably the images are of jokes poking fun of the dreaded hot flashes, weight gain, and irritability. But, Menopause is not a disease to fear, nor is it comedic relief. Rather, ancient Taoist medicine tells us it is an alchemical transformation.
During menopause, the energetic center of body which formerly was seated in the womb migrates to the heart. Now, instead of using our monthly blood to nourish new life, the menses cease, and, the blood is sent instead to the heart to nourish the wisdom of the spirit.
So perimenopause is an alchemical transformation. And, it can proceed relatively smoothly when we support the process using ancient Taoist medicine. No matter what age we are, the basis of health remains the same: the balance of yin and yang, the smooth flow of qi in the body, and wise use of our internal resources. Using Taoist medicine, acupuncture and herbs, a natural, symptom free, perimenopause is possible!