As the new year approaches, many of us will be setting goals and resolutions. Goals are great- they help us step up and take needed action. But there’s actually a vital and often overlooked first step, and that is: INTENTION.
Become what you dream: Intention Ceremonies at Window of the Sky. These sessions combine intention setting and Acupuncture in a personalized ceremony. Together we get clear on your intention, creating a supportive field of energy to activate your goals, and bring the energy directly into embodiment through Acupuncture.
Want to learn more? read on…..
What is the difference between a goal versus an intention? The common misperception is that intentions are for dreamers, goals are for doers. Intentions are for lazy people, the people who intend to get the laundry done, to exercise, to eat better, but never do. Goals and accomplishments are what’s really of use- that’s how real people get things done. Right?
The truth is, intentions are just as important as goals. Intention is the vital first step in the process of creating whatever we dream of. Our desired actions and outcomes are the outer manifestation. But Intentions work from the inside. Our intention creates a powerful bond between us and the reality we wish to create.
For example, a person has a goal to exercise regularly. Underneath that, what is the intention? To be healthy. And underneath that? to live to their fullest potential. We can try to grudgingly force ourselves to exercise regularly to meet our goal, and with a certain extent of willpower, this is possible. But not easy.
When we align with our deepest intention, suffusing our goals with it, magic happens. Intentions evoke an embodiment of something greater than ourselves. When we work with intentions, our focus is in the present moment- it becomes who we are, not just an item to check off in the future. When we set intentions, we call upon the creative power of the Universe. That means we are no longer alone. Just like joining an exercise group could help our person achieve their goal, setting our own intention creates a resonant, supportive field of energy we can draw upon. And the magic is beyond our imagining!
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire Universe is connected with intent” - Carlos Castaneda
So, how can I fully harness the power of my intentions? One way we can fully harness the power of our intentions is through ceremony. A ceremony is a conversation between us and the Universe. Through symbolic gestures we communicate with and call upon the support we need. That support comes into our life not just as an idea, but in a powerfully felt, tangible way. It happens between worlds- in the place where energy and matter meet, and it transforms us.
Just like ceremony, Acupuncture also happens in the place where energy and matter meet. In this way, Acupuncture can help us to fully embody our intentions on all levels- mental, emotional and physical. Indeed, Acupuncture points are called “men” which translates literally as “gate”. Each acupuncture point has a spirit and cosmology, and opens the door to the Universe through the body. What we call Kidney 25 in English is named “Sprit Storehouse” in Chinese, and quite literally nourishes the spirit and helps us find our deep inner strength, as well as physically boosting Kidney function. As an Acupuncturist, I connect with the point’s deeper meaning and hold healing intention each time I needle. Thus, treatment occurs on all levels- body, mind, and spirit.
To suffuse our new year with magic and intent, I am offering Intention Ceremonies at Window of the Sky. The session combines intention setting and Acupuncture in a personalized ceremony. Together we get clear on your intention, creating a supportive field of energy to activate your goals, and bring the energy directly into embodiment through Acupuncture. You really can become what you dream. Are you in?