Being in this Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo~ 1.20.2019, 9:16 pm

Astrology is a fine art which bridges both the analytical and the mystical and intuitive. Recently, my own practice of astrology has shifted from “readings” to “beings”….rather than attempting to dissect and understand each piece of information encoded in an event or chart, I’ve found myself more drawn to simply “being” with the event in that moment, letting the larger mystery of the stars speak to me how it will. As such, I stepped away from writing about astrology, stopped trying to define what is happening and just experience it instead.

Here then, as we move into a total lunar ecclipse in Leo, is my sharing of the”being” in this particular alignement. There are echoes of the divine creative Sun-heart (Leo), the waters and the collective wisdom (Aquarius), as well as the moutains of Capricorn and the oceans of Cancer (the nodes this eclipse cycle aligns itself with).

Amidst the dark and wild uncertainty of life on this planet, from the depths of the ocean to the highest mountain pinnacle, may we all remember:


it is the light of the heart that shines the brightest!

there is only one thing to find, or know, or keep: the precious song of your heart- it’s been waiting for you to listen.

Learn it well, but don’t try to make it stay. And don’t try to impress anyone with it either.

Simply share it, humbly and with no announcements, like the laughing sun, the rainbow, the endless silver rain.

the only way to keep remembering is to keep sharing, until the beauty of the music overcomes us all.